City Paradise
The 'City Paradise' series is an intimate reflection of the profound insights and emotions I've garnered while gazing upon the city with joy. These artworks invite you to embark on a journey of introspection, to witness the evolution of self, and to explore the dynamic interplay between the tangible and the intangible. These works stand as a testament to the beauty that arises from confronting life's multifaceted truths, embracing transformation, and crafting a personality that radiates with its own unique and vibrant colors.
The Moment. 31.6x39.3" oil paint on panel
Chance. 35.7x25.6" oil paint on panel
Volition. 46x35" oil paint on panel
Today. 35.7x25.6" oil paint on panel
Clarity. 46x35" oil paint on panel
Self Regulation. 46x35" oil paint on panel
Sympathy. 24x30" oil paint on panel
Stability. 24x30" oil paint on panel